Adestor Gloss

White cast coated premium labels with gloss finish

White cast coated labels with a gloss finish that give excellent print and image definition. Adestor Cast Gloss rolls are perfect for high quality printed labels using a range of printing techniques and come with HM100 hot-melt super-permanent adhesive or A251 permanent acrylic adhesive. Both options have a WG62 super-calendered white translucent glassine liner.

A251 – acrylic permanent adhesive for smooth and slightly rough or curved surfaces, Excellent print and image definition, HM100 – hot-melt super-permanent adhesive with high tack and final adhesion, ISO 14001 Environmental Management System, PEFC certified, Suitable for high quality printed labels, WG62 – super-calendered white translucent glassine liner, White cast coated paper with a gloss finish

Adestor is PEFC certified and manufactured in an environment that is ISO 14001 EMS accredited.

ISO 14001 EMS – Environmental Management Systems, PEFC Certified, Responsible Forestry Practices


Available Options

SKUGSMColourFinishBacking LinerRoll WidthRoll LengthAdhesive CategoryAdhesiveQuantity 
146395160WhiteGlossWhite Glass 621000mm2000mmPermanentHM100 Permanent
146405160WhiteGlossWhite Glass 621000mm2000mmPermanentA251 Permanent
146409160High WhiteCast GlossWhite Glass 621000mm2000mmPermanentHM100 Permanent
146419160High WhiteCast GlossWhite Glass 621000mm2000mmPermanentA251 Permanent