JAC Seripol Polyester

Heat, chemical and UV resistant polyester film.

Strong and durable, this polyester film with a solvent-based permanent acrylate adhesive is heat, chemical and UV resistant. Great for both indoor and outdoor applications, JAC Seripol Polyester is available in gloss white, gloss clear and metallic brite chrome.

50 micron facesheet, DURO AL170 – solvent based permanent acrylate adhesive, Heat, chemical and UV resistant, Indoor and outdoor advertising, White, clear or metallic finish

ISO 14001 EMS – Environmental Management Systems, Water Resistant

Labels, Outdoor use, Outdoor Use Labels

Available Options

SKUGSMColourFinishSizeBacking LinerAdhesive CategoryAdhesiveQuantity 
144262180Brite ChromeMetallic685 x 1000mmPE SolidPermanentDuro AL170 Permanent
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144263180ClearGloss760 x 1000mmPE SolidPermanentDuro AL170 Permanent
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144264180WhiteGloss760 x 1000mmPE SolidPermanentDuro AL170 Permanent
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