Renewal Hemp

Eco-friendly papers made with rapidly renewable hemp fibre.

Renewal Hemp is an eco-friendly paper made with 30% rapidly renewable hemp and blended with responsibly sourced virgin and recycled fibres.

Highly sustainable eco-friendly hemp fibre paper suitable for all major print processes.

Rewnewal Hemp is an environmentally responsible paper manufactured with a mix of 30% hemp fibres blended with responsibly sourced virgin fibres. Fibre White colour also contains 40% post consumer waste. Elemental Chlorine Free, FSC Mixed Certified and with manufactured with 100% green wind energy.

Elemental Chlorine Free, FSC Certified – Mix, Responsible Forestry Practices

Ideal for all applications including packaging, brochures, stationery, tags, invitations and labels.

Available Options

SKUGSMUMS (microns)ColourFinishSizeQuantity 
183871118165Clean WhiteVellum635 x 965mm
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183873118165Fibre WhiteVellum635 x 965mm
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183872324458Clean WhiteVellum711 x 1016mm
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183874324458Fibre WhiteVellum711 x 1016mm
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