Title: 3sidedsquare business cards
Agency: 3sidedsquare
Stocks: Knight – Smooth
Printed by: Moule Print (VIC) on an Heidelberg SM52 Speedmaster.
We’re definitely keen on visually appealing business cards. They say so much in a small amount of space. And we always remember the stand out ones. That’s the point right? In this case, take a handful of bright sparks from 3sidedsquare, a design and web studio in Melbourne, add a personalised colour palette and you have a pocketful of business card goodness right there.
So how does one achieve a pared-back design combined with eye popping bursts of colour? Hmmm? You go through various rounds of restraint and indulgence, do the loop a few times and then choose a lovely, uncoated stock to ensure the end result is crisp and clear. Knight Smooth White 400gsm made for a great outcome with its bright white and smooth surface. Another great example that shows the importance of choosing the right paper for your design.
Each member of the team selected their own striking hue to make up the set of vibrantly coloured cards. So, not only does the team have an important business tool, they have a neat little ice breaker that is a talking point with clients. As Lachlan Young from 3sidedsquare tell us: “The colours injects personality into the most personal of stationery items.” Besides the cards we love the opening graphic on their website – check out that pattern!