Title: 2013 calendar – Salon de Doggett
Agency: University of Technology Sydney (UTS), Bachelor of Design (Visual Communication) students
Client: K.W.Doggett Fine Paper
Stocks: Envirocare 100% Recycled / HannoArt – Satin / Knight – Textures / Knight – Vellum
Printed by: Offset Alpine Printing (NSW). Embellishments: Gold Craft Embossing (NSW)
The calendar pays homage to art movements and famous artists with canine adaptations. Imagine the Mona Lisa from the Renaissance period looking much furrier than usual! Or Picasso’s abstract Weeping Woman as a pouting pooch. These classics sit alongside dogified originals from the Graffiti Art, Bahaus and Art Deco movements, just to name a few. We’ve been producing the calendar for 26 years, as a gift for our customers. We are still, after all this time, blown away by the creativity and professionalism the students show.
Printed stochastically with 4 colour process and UV inks, the cover is printed on Knight Vellum 200gsm and features a striking gold foil. HannoArt Satin 200gsm, Envirocare 100% Recycled, Knight Linen 280gsm and Knight Vellum 200gsm are all mixed within the 12 months, with a few surprise embellishments too.
A special thank you to Amy Commons, Creative Director of Sai Designs and Tutor at UTS, as well all the students for their hard work and effort in producing an amazing calendar. The students we had the pleasure of working with (in no particular order) are: Carina Lee, Eleanor Cliffe, Jamie Lo, Nikki Lo, Ash Myburgh, Susanne Peng, Lucy Turnbull, Vanson Han, Thiwanka Somaratna, Lucinda Dryden and Yewon Chung.
Your fine paper specialist will be around shortly to drop in your 2013 calendar – where you can see these 12 beautiful (slightly familiar) loveable pooches for yourself.
Cover – Nikki Lo.
January (Futurism) – Jamie Lo.
February (Renaissance) – Susanne Peng.
March (German Expressionism) – Lucy Turnbull.
April (Graffiti Art) – Vanson Han.
May (Bahaus) – Thiwanka Somaratna.
June (Cubism) – Jamie Lo.
July (Art Deco) – Lucinda Dryden.
August (Post Impressionism) – Vanson Han.
September (Ukiyo-E) – Vanson Han.
October (Day of the Dead) – Carina Lee.
November (Surrealism) – Yewon Chung.
December (Pop Art) – Ash Myburgh.
Typography and layout – Eleanor Cliffe
Project management team – Carina Lee, Eleanor Cliffe, Jamie Lo.