Sovereign A2 tees, so hot right now
If you’re one of our print customers you may well be rocking out in one of these Sovereign A2 tees. Moons ago, we released this hair graphic and thought hey, why not bring it back and plonk it on a t-shirt for something fun. The slick, bouffant locks belong to our brand ambassador for Sovereign A2, Elvis ‘THE KING’ of coated paper. Wear them with pride friends, they’ll be collectors editions soon! Ha ha. Send us a pic of your noggin in one of these if you happen to own one. Or better still, post it on our Facebook page.
Matt is wearing the motif that says: ‘People dig me, chicks want me, I am the King’. Emma’s t-shirt reads: ‘I am the rocker, I am the roller, I am the King’.
Stocks: Sovereign A2 – Gloss / Sovereign A2 – Silk / Sovereign A2 Digital – Gloss / Sovereign A2 Digital – Silk