Title: A Curious Story
Agency: Reflex Group Paris, Photographer – Gregoire Alexandre
Client: K.W.Doggett Fine Paper
Stocks: Curious Metallics / Curious Metallics Iridescent / Curious Touch Soft Touch / Curious Translucents
Printed by: Norman McGrigor Printing
Tell me a story that I’ve never heard before.
Tell me about a young girl who lives in the stars, and about how she met with a chimera.
Tell me how she lived and breathed under the seas, how she played with fire, ice and wind.
Tell me how she slept at night, in a cradle of light.
Tell me how she transcended matter itself.
Tell me a…Curious Story.
This A4 landscape booklet features amazing images and print techniques from the Arjowiggins Curious Collection. It tells a story (www.curiousstory.com) as seen through the lens of photographer Gregoire Alexandre, and exhibits a range of possibilities through print, die-cutting and embellishments on the range.
Now available exclusively from K.W.Doggett Fine Paper, the Curious range includes a variety of colours and finishes, including 5 new metallic hues. To see the new range of Curious Metallics please contact your K.W.Doggett Fine Paper representative or your nearest samples department.