Title: Sukin organic skin care
Stocks: Buffalo Board
Printed by: Press Print Digital (VIC)
You may recall the article we featured in the last issue of Fetch about white ink (search for HP ElectroInk). Well, check out this cool print sample we’ve just seen! The packaging was created by Jayden Zernich, Senior Graphic Designer at Sukin and printed digitally on Buffalo Board 272gsm.
Sukin is an organic, wholesome, Australian made skincare range. To complement this message, Jayden chose to work with Buffalo Board. He also knew that its unrefined nature would contrast perfectly with white ink. By using custom water colours, Jayden felt that this would maintain the organic look and feel on the outside of the box and also match the product within. The range includes three separate packs, so he played with colour to differentiate the various face care products. To distinguish between the curves created from the water colour treatment and still achieve a strong impact, he incorporated a structured, almost geometric typeface. The result is a unique, softened colour dynamic between ink and paper.
The packaging suite was printed on an HP Indigo press at Press Print Digital (VIC). Jayden mentioned to us that he chose to do this job digitally eliminating the need for plates which are required for offset printing or white foiling. We seriously love the result. It was such an ‘Ooooooo’ moment in the office when the sample came in. The colours are really vibrant in the flesh and we love to see Buffalo Board wrapped around such a primo product. Christmas shopping at Sukin, anyone?