Title: JPP Synthetic – H Grade is back!
Stocks: JPP Synthetic – C Grade / JPP Synthetic – H Grade / JPP Synthetic – T Grade
We had a lot of fun working on our latest promotion for JPP Synthetic, a range of polypropylene paper products. The big news is H Grade is back! JPP Synthetic is available in H, T and C Grades, all strong, durable and water resistant, yet each has their own unique qualities.
The promotion includes a target shooting set, water pistol and shelf wobblers. An A5 postcard was also printed to be included within the K.W.Doggett Fine Paper JPP Synthetic swatch. The original concept of this promotion came from Sam Barnes, the winner of a student competition in 2010. Sam’s unique design was re-worked to suit the announcement that H Grade is back and this is what he came up with!
JPP Synthetic is a high tear resistant product, with superior printing and drying capabilities. H Grade features a clay matt coating on both sides of the sheet. Print it with conventional printing processes and inks and deliver end uses like menus, maps, shelf wobblers, plant and industrial tags or labels and point of sale signage. H Grade is also suitable for folding and hole punching, as well as packaging applications.
T Grade has a semi-gloss finish and is similar to C Grade which has a matt finish, but is slightly denser. This makes T Grade whiter, more opaque, flexible and difficult to tear. C Grade is stiff with a cardboard type quality and suited for applications that require rigidity, such as book covers and food menus. The entire JPP Synthetic range is suitable for both indoor and outdoor purposes.
If you’d like to know more about our JPP Synthetic range, contact our Business Development Manager and synthetic expert, Chris Jackson on (03) 8470 2244.