Title: The Tailor on Brunswick property brochure
Agency: ERD
Stocks: Keaykolour and Knight Smooth
Printing specs: Digitally printed
Printed by: Bambra Press VIC
This story is about a property developer, textiles factory and astute design studio. ERD recently designed the property publication ‘The Tailor on Brunswick’, for a boutique development located in funky East Brunswick in Melbourne. To make it happen, they had to convince developer Gutch & Co to do it after their real estate agent said it wasn’t necessary. Boo!! ERD knew: “The printed piece would reflect the style and attention to detail that defined the development.” We concur.
The brochure features singer sewn (black thread) binding that cleverly ties in with the building’s historical roots (in its original life it was a textile factory). The publication is 28pp with a 4pp cover, printed on Keaykolour Sombre Grey 300gsm for the cover and Knight Smooth 160gsm for the text. The beautiful stock choices were made all the more special with photography by Joe Vittorio and Mattia Scarfo and digital rendering by Andrew Clarkson.