Title: Macarthur Heights property brochure
Agency: Enigma (NSW)
Stocks: Strathmore Premium Super Smooth Ultimate White 352gsm cover and 148gsm text
Printing specs: Offset printed
Printed by: Greg Tapp Printing (NSW) and embossed by Avon Graphics (NSW)
Macarthur Heights is a premium house and land release by developer Landcom in Campbelltown, NSW. Designed by the team at Enigma in Newcastle, the brief was to create a high-end brochure that captured the lifestyle offered by Macarthur Heights.
The property brochure comprises of a 4pp folder printed on Strathmore Premium Super Smooth Ultimate White 352gsm featuring an embossed “M” on the front. When it came to selecting the paper Enigma explains: “it was very important for the embossing to be sharp and tactile so we were looking for an uncoated stock that would be able to deliver the look and feel we were after.”
The 12pp brochure is printed on Strathmore Premium Super Smooth Ultimate White 148gsm with saddle stitched binding. The smooth, uncoated finish of the stock lends itself beautifully to lifestyle photography. “We were delighted with the finished product. The printed reproduction of the images is extremely sharp and the rich, solid colour throughout adds life and vitality to the piece. The client was extremely happy with the end result.”