SPOTLIGHT – Peter Hansen
1. Peter Hansen, How long have you been spreading your good vibes in our industry?
I began my paper journey at Spicers Paper in 1996 and worked there for almost 10 years in a variety of sales roles. The next phase of my paper journey started with K W Doggett in 2005, working there for just over 10 years in a Sales/BDM with printers, print management companies and advertising agencies.
I took a leap of faith and purchased a Wide Format manufacturing business with a staff of 12 people. After a good crack and just over 12 months I decided to sell the business. The lessons were invaluable learning about wide format manufacturing and people in general. I came to terms with the fact I didn’t enjoy manufacturing.
The K W Doggett family welcomed me back in late 2016, employed me in my current role as a National BDM Manager (just before the Ball & Doggett merger), concentrating on
print management companies, advertising agencies, government departments and end users in the wide format, POS, Sign, Display and Visual space.
2. What are a couple of key aspects to your job that you love?
• The constant education on sustainable solutions is a key driver for me, as my customers want and need this education and information. The sustainability challenges are now greater than ever with POS substrates. This platform also provides a greater opportunity for me to present to my customers, as they now demanding sustainable and recyclable solutions.
• For me to be relevant and be adding value to my customers, I need to be constantly aware of current and changing sustainability criteria’s, wants and needs.
• I love the face to face contact with a variety of people, industries and business, as this provides me with the opportunity to learn from other people and grow as person.
• I love that I always need to be honing and improving my presentation skills. For a presentation to be successful and effective, the customer needs to be engaged, invested and emotionally connected as they process the message.
• Looking at new opportunities with new customers, new products and new industries.
3. Apart from being the literal rock star we know and love, tell us about you’re passion in the fitness arena?
Apart from being a major Rock N Roll star in this country, fitness is my driver and keeps me sane. I train Monday to Thursday nights at 5.30, Tues, Wed and Friday morning at 6am and Sat and Sun morning at 8am in a Boxing/Muay Thai/Kick Boxing gym. I run the boxing/Muay Thai fitness classes at night, including sparring with other gyms, and the morning sessions are personal training /”one on one” classes. The training provides me with the energy to be productive and stay focused.
4. What is it about working at Ball & Doggett that you value most?
From the top down, management continually inspire and provide the opportunity for staff members to grow, improve and flourish, encouraging every employee to function to the best of their ability. I love the comradery and friendship between all staff members across all divisions of the business.
The expertise, experience and knowledge throughout the B&D business makes my job a lot easier.
I truly value the B&D corporate spirit, mission and principals, as I witness them put into practice every day. With management leading the way by example, making B&D an enjoyable, exciting place to work.
5. Share some facts about you that not many people know?
I am now a fully accredited boxing judge with Combat Sports Victoria, Boxing Australia and Australian National Boxing Federation. Having these accreditations means these organisations will fly me around Australia to judge title fights on occasions. I have already judged four Victorian title fights since April this year.
I am the eldest of 7 children, and I am the most normal of the seven. What does that say about the other 6?
6. What is your message to customers in regards to exploring sustainable
product choices?
• Have my customers understand that we need to change and adjust human behaviour to make a difference, and we all have our part to play.
• Have a discussion related to sustainability in the design phase of a job.
• Ask the question, “How can I guarantee this substrate will not end up in landfill once finished with?”
• Need to think about the condition this generation will leave the planet in for the next generation.
• In every substrate choice, use the language: REDUSE, REUSE, RECOVER, RECYCLE, RETHINK.
• Make sure my customers understand the choices available when selecting a substrate when it comes to sustainability.
Peter Hansen, National Business
Development Manager – Corporate