Sow ‘n Sow cards – design that grows

Title: Gifts of Seeds and Australian Native cards
Agency: Sow ‘n Sow
Stocks: Enviro Board
Printed by: MJ Printing (VIC) and Moule Print (VIC)

We love hearing inspiring stories and Michelle Brady is a woman with one such story to tell. Her dream to combine her penchant for gardening, be a business owner and pursue her creative passions became an everyday reality. She created Sow ‘n Sow, a Melbourne company that produces the ‘Gifts of Seeds’ card collection. The packets of seeds are beautiful enough to be given as a gift yet they’re a card too! She recently released an Australian Natives collection as well.


This innovative idea stemmed (pardon the pun) from both her new found interest in gardening and the birthday presents she would give away to friends and family that were packets of seeds. Her idea simply blossomed (ahem) from there. Michelle can tailor the seed packets to any particular project or corporate promotion. She once created mint seed packets at an event for Bacardi, to encourage people to make their own Mojito cocktail. Now, why didn’t we think of that?!

Created in collaboration with designer and illustrator Daniella Germain, the ranges feature really lovely illustrations. The ‘Gift of Seeds’ illustrations are collages which give the packets a 3D effect and for the Australian Natives collection, the inspiration came from botanical illustrations so the intention was for an earthier, more understated feel.

Michelle mentioned to us: “The focus was very much on the item being a gift, so we kept a minimal layout and let the illustrations speak for themselves. Enviro Board 230gsm was an easy choice for the packets, because of its eco-friendly credentials, 100% recycled factor as well as its earthy look and feel.” The ‘Gifts of Seeds’ cards were printed offset with a double hit of opaque white, then CMYK. The Australian Native packets were printed offset plus CMYK.

We’ve spotted these little beauties around town recently and they look even more special in person!

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